HuffPost Canada : Women and body positive activists are taking a stand against Instagram's ban on the hashtag #curvy.
The social media network sparked outrage when they blocked #curvy as a searchable hashtag, saying the ban was part of their effort to crack down on sexually explicit content, which they say was being posted under the tag. Other tags including the word curvy (#curvywomen, #curvygirl, #curvychick, etc.), however, are still searchable.
And though they told Mashable that "the ban had nothing to do with the term 'curvy' itself," individuals who used #curvy to tag their photos aren't buying it. After all, hashtags #fat, #thin and #skinny are still searchable, along with a list of terms that might actually be considered inappropriate. And while searching #skinny does prompt a content advisory, Instagram hasn't gone so far as to ban it.
But Instagram users haven't let the ban stop them from flaunting their curvaceous figures over the social network. They're protesting the ban by using the hashtag #curvee instead. Other tags being used include #bringcurvyback, #everybodyisbeautiful and model Tess Holliday's famous #effyourbeautystandards.
And this isn't the first time Instagram has received backlash for a ban. Toronto-based spoken word poet Rupi Kaur's photo showing period blood was taken down. And photos featuring women's nipples and public hair have been removed too.
We say Instagram should start re-thinking their bans, don't you think?
In the meantime, check out some of the gorgeous photos tagged #curvee below: